<p>" It is an all-round sauce developed to add flavor to various dishes and to make it easy for anyone to use. It is particularly useful for various seasonings, soups, and stew dishes.<br>-It is a product made of ingredients that are frequently used for broth, such as snow crab, shiitake, anchovies, and kelp. It is highly utilized in dishes that require broth not only in the home but also in restaurants.<br>-The main ingredients (snow crab, shiitake, anchovies, kelp, etc.) have been improved by utilizing local specialties.<br>-Over 95% of the main ingredients are Korean.<br>-This luxurious package is suitable for a gift as well as for direct use.<br>-Produced by directly extracting raw materials, and improved the product through a certain period of maturation (15-30 days).<br>-It can be used in a variety of ways such as fish cake soup, bulgogi, and soy sauce braised potatoes. <br></p>